
TMI Trading is a full-service bubble tea distributor, offering high-quality wholesale Bubble Tea products and business support for foodservice operators. Our experienced team and extensive product line make us the perfect partner for any size business, with reliable equipment, all the necessary supplies, and trendy new items being added regularly. If you’re interested in building or expanding your Bubble Tea business, look no further than TMI Bubble Tea.

作為一家全方位服務的珍珠奶茶經銷商,TMI Trading常年為餐飲界大小公司提供高品質珍珠奶茶批發產品商業支持。我們經驗豐富的團隊和廣泛的產品線使我們成為任何規模企業最完美合作夥伴。本公司擁有最先進的設備、定期會根據市場趨勢添加必需的耗材和新產品。如果您有興趣建立或擴大您的珍珠奶茶業務、不妨查查看TMI珍珠奶茶。

Bubble Tea Training

Join The TMI Bubble Tea Team For A Full 3 Hour Training Session, Including How To Set Up A Bubble Tea Business And Make The Best Tasting Bubble Tea Drinks. (Language - English & Chinese)
Bubble Tea Class is now available.
For detailed information, please inquire at
Bubbletea@tmitrading.com or 718 744 6889
For detailed information, please inquire at
Bubbletea@tmitrading.com or 718 744 6889
Bubbletea@tmitrading.com 或致電 718 744 6889
Bubbletea@tmitrading.com 或致電 718 744 6889
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